Video conferencing service had claimed 300 million daily active users a month Zoom has come under fire after reportedly over-stating the amount of people using its service. The popular video conferencing platform had claimed it had “more than 300 million daily users” in a blog post earlier this month, but quietly changed this figure shortly after. According to The Verge, Zoom later edited this post, deleting the original wording and changing it to “300 million daily Zoom meeting participants” instead. Zoom updates As The Verge notes, the difference between a daily active user (DAU) and “meeting participant” is a big one, and means Zoom could have greatly over-stated the popularity of its service.Zoom appeared to count daily meeting participants multiple times, meaning that if you took part in several Zoom meetings in one day, the company counted you more than once - whereas a DAU is only counted once each per day. Other software providers, including Zoo...
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